Garden Of Edem
garden of edem

garden of edemgarden of edem

What Is the Garden of Eden in the Bible?The Garden of Eden represented something more than just a location. Over the years many have wondered what the Garden of Eden represents and they have also questioned where is the Garden of Eden?Let’s put on our explorer hats and look closer to understand the truth about the Garden of Eden. After creating man, the Bible tells us in Genesis 2 that God planted a garden in the east, in Eden, and put the man (Adam) into the garden he planted.

God was establishing a simple principle – it’s ok to enjoy the fruits of your labor or the works of your hands. God created you for fellowship with him, but he placed you here on earth because he has a specific task or assignment for you to accomplish.God allowed Adam to eat from any tree in the garden. In addition to fellowship with God, there was a reason for Adam’s existence. Adam’s job was to work the ground and keep it in order ( Genesis 2:15). There are three things specifically to consider:God created Adam and he gave him a specific task. Many scholars refer to it as “Paradise Lost.” Yet, in understanding the Garden of Eden, you see God’s desire for the life of every man or woman he created.

You will find ultimate pleasure when you complete the task God has created you for.The Garden of Eden or Paradise Lost can give us a picture of what our eternal destiny in heaven will be like. He found pleasure in his pure fellowship with God and he also found pleasure in accomplishing what God desired him to do. Remember there was no sin in the world, so nature responded in a perfect environment. One of the benefits of doing his work is he allows you to share and enjoy part of the works of your hands.The work was not back-breaking slave labor, but I believe Adam found pleasure in what he was doing. God not only has created you for a specific purpose, he will give you provision so you can accomplish what he desires you to do.

Many before you and many after you will search for the answer to this question. Where is the Garden of Eden Located?If you are asking where the Garden of Eden is, you are not alone. We will experience God’s provision and we will have the perfect pleasure of God’s presence unhindered by sin.

Furthermore, the garden was referenced by the prophets in Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 28:12-13, 31:9, 36:35, and Joel 2:3. Not being able to find where the Garden is located does not mean it doesn’t exist. However, part of the problem with this idea is that God was specific in not only planting a garden but in doing it in a specific named location.The garden was planted in Eden. This change has made it difficult for scholars, historians, and archeologists to know exactly where the Garden of Eden is.While it is possible to speculate, I guess the truth is we will probably never know for certain.We know it is mentioned in Scripture but because it can’t be located, some may question if it really did exist? Quite honestly, there are plenty who will try to call the “story” of the Garden of Eden simply mythological lore. This could have affected the very location of the Tigris and Euphrates, meaning they may be in different locations then they were before the flood. The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) wrote a compelling article about this topic entitled Where Was The Garden Of Eden Located? One of the main reasons we are not able to pinpoint an exact location is the changes in the world that happened after the flood.It’s quite possible and highly likely that the flood changed the makeup of the earth.

garden of edem

God’s plan of perfect fellowship and communion with those who love him will be realized again and this will last for all eternity.Despite the various ideas and opinions regarding the Garden of Eden, there is one truth that matters more than any other. What we do know is Paradise Lost will become Paradise Regained. ConclusionSo, where is the Garden of Eden located? Honestly, no one has been able to lock down the specific location though many have tried. This agreement is another reason to add to the existence of the Garden of Eden.

Regardless of where it is let’s make sure you are one of the overcomers so you too can enjoy eternal life in Paradise.

garden of edem